“I had a truly fantastic day in the Po Delta with Menotti: 71 species seen across a variety of habitats, with 22 first sightings for me. Menotti really listened to my wishes and took great pains to find some of the more difficult species, like the European roller. His knowledge of both the area and its birds was clearly visible, and there is no way someone new to the area could do as much fruitful birdwatching on his/her own, given the complexity of the area. I really appreciated being able to see not just wetland birds, but also ones linked to countryside habitats, including raptors (Pallid Harrier, Montagu’s Harrier, Lesser Kestrel), European Bee-eater, Little Owl and so many more! PS: a real bonus is his ability to speak various languages! – www.colleenplays.org“